12 months ago in January I presented a challenge for myself. Here is what I said then:
the idea: this is a project i have wanted to do for a long time. i sometime have troubles with design on my scrapbook pages. well, what troubles me is re-newing myself. i want to try new things, but i
don´t want to make pages that are not me. and i have done pages i really love, so i thought i´d make it a priority to choose 3 old layouts every month of the year and use them as inspiration for new pages. i mean, i am not re-scrapping the event or page, i am using the entire page and/or some elements of it to use as inspiration. i will share which 3 old layouts i am working with sometime the first week of the month. maybe you could draw some inspiration from them too?!
And it is with pride I present to you 36 new scrapbook pages that are all made with inspiration from my older pages! I made 3 each month, and if you are curious to see more info of each of them, just click here to see all the posts with the tag Re-scrap 2012.