Second, I felt old for the third time in my life yesterday.
- First time: when I realized that I had been friends with someone for 17!!! years!!! (Now it is 19...) Yikes!
- Second time: WhenI realized that kids that were born in the 80s are adults! What??!! I know what you are thinking; "She was born in 79´ for God sake!" I know that, but really people come on! The 80s!
- Third time: A woman I barely know, but chit chat with once in a while had a shirt on yesterday that said" Graduation (High school) 2004, "Oh, are you that young", I said jokingly and expevtion an anwer like "Oh, no I borrowed the shirt from my kid sister" But how wrong was I?! "Haha", she responded, "Well, yes I had to go one extra year, so I am 22 now." What??!! For a year now I have thought that she is in her 30s or atleast the same age as me. But 22!!!! And she has 2 year old twins!
Let me say that I really don´t feel old, but at those times it just hits me. I am almsot 30! And I don´t feel older than I did when I was 15 (that would mean that I feel like 13 !) It is just the math that makes my head spin.Today I am embracing that I am a 27 year-old-feeling-like-15 (13) woman!
27 isn't bad, and we shouldn't feel old for it!
SvaraRaderaTHis is making me giggle since I am seven months away from the 30 mark and my wonderful husband doesn't let me forget- not for one moment...