yesterday was probably one of the worst days ever for me and my family...we had to put our oldest dog to sleep. Oh it was horribly sad. The last cuple of months he has begun to have pains in his back legs which is very common with large older dogs. But this weekend we just saw as he couldn´t stand on his own and there is really no dignity in that for such a big and proud on sunday we decided that we had to let him rest. Oh my God that was such a hard thing to do just to decide that...But we wouldn´t want him to suffer just so that we could have him here with us...that would be to selfish. On sunday we did all the things that he likes to do...among others we took a longer carride (he loved to ride in the car!) and went down to the water. He couldn´t swim but to just see him in the water doing the things he loved was so good. We were fortunate enough to have sometime to take photos and to really spend quality time with him. We are very thankful for that.

Then on monday morning we went to the vet and they were wonderful and made everything so quite, calm and beautiful for him. It was so hard to say goodbye for all of us and we were sobbing the whole day...
But now he has rest, no pain and we are sure he is playing with his friend Ingo in dog heaven and as we belive in heaven the time doesn´t matter so we are coming to him soon :) it comforts our daughter especially. She has grown up with that dog so he was truly a family member.
I'm so sorry to hear this - dogs can be such a great addition to the family - I'm still sad for every single one we lost! Sending you a hug from Germany!
SvaraRaderaSo sorry sweetie. It is always hard. We had to do the same last year.
SvaraRaderaOh Lisa I am so sorry, now it is my turn to hold your hand. He was such a beauty.
SvaraRaderaOh my I am so sorry to hear this. It's always hard to let a beloved friend go. Big hug!
SvaraRaderaI am so sorry. It is so hard.
SvaraRaderaso sorry to hear about your dog....sending you big hugs!
Oh, Lisa... I am so, so sorry. I know how it is when a pet, who is part of your family, leaves.
SvaraRaderaThink of all the great years you had together and remember him with joy.
I'm sending you all BIG (((((hugs))))
Usch så ledsamt. Jobbigt att vara tvungen att ta beslutet, jag vill inte tänka på att den dagen nån gång måste komma. Din MYS-lo är ett fint sätt att minnas honom på.
oh lisa, this breaks my heart. made me tear up too. i lost my oldest dog this summer too and it was so sad. many hugs.
SvaraRaderaawww...big hugs to you and your family!!
SvaraRaderaI know this pain as it was me who took my puppy to the vet his last day.and was very difficult to live.
it was the puppy it has been offered to me for my epilpepsy crisis who always stayed with me during 13 years.
giant hugs.
{ThE fReNcH tOuCh}
Oh my gosh you poor, poor thing! :(
SvaraRaderaWe had to put my dog down last year so I know your pain. You sound like such a good mama.
(((hugs))) to you during this time.
Lisa, vad ledsamt att höra att eran goa vovve flyttat. Efter att ha skaffat Teo så förstår jag nu ännu mer hur smärtsamt det måste vara.
SvaraRaderaStyrkekramar till er alla från oss alla!
gnm Sofia