ok, so this is going to be a L O N G post as promised yesterday! I have the ballons on the top to celebrate a new day!
What have I been up to lately arts and craft wise? Well, I am still experimenting with fabrics on pages. It so much fun, but its harder to work with fabric because it is more "dead" if you know what I mean. Normally fabric is alive, but on a page I guess paper is more versitile. I mean paper you can rough up, sand or ink etc. I am still going to work on some projects with fabric though. Here is an example where I have used tyll and felt. Both these materials are so easy to work with.

And an exampel on how a cool IKEA fabric can look kinda good as a background!

I saw a webisode over at SIS the other day and they used a lot of tape in that show. I have never used tape before, accept offwhite masking tape. So, it inspired me to go out to do a little shopping :) I bought a few diffrent tapes and went home to do a little experimenting.

And here is the first one i did a few years ago with masking tape.

Although I really like the look of using lots of tape i sometimes belive that "less is more" and I made one having that in mind.

As another craft thing I have always love to make fridge magnets from various materials. It is somuch fun and such an easy project! Maybe that is why some of my etsy products are magnets?! :) This time I used all from buttons, stones to coins! Aren´t the fun!

Another thing I am really wanting to do more is to use my daughters drawings and notes on scrapbook pages. I remember doing one a long time ago (2004) here it is.

At that time my daughter greeted us with her drawings every morning! Now she has changed her style to use more words that acctual drawings. The other day I joined her at the table when she was making us (her dad and me) a card. I snapped a few photos of her drawing and this is how i used that!

In the Suziebeezieland 2007 CJ´s I have gotten to Maries "Songs that make you go la la". Isn´t that a fun subject?! Wow, there are so many songs that make me go la la, mostly everyone there is! I know, we don´t we do a little poll. Up in the corner I am going to put a poll and you all can vote on when your favorite song was made! This could be so much fun! I am starting the CJ as soon as I get my butt down from here!
ok, so this was the long post from me today! I hope that you enjoy it!
Oh, and make sure you check out the shop because I have updated with a few more items!
SvaraRaderalove the balloons!!!
{ThE fReNcH tOuCh}
i LOVE the fabric!! and the tape!! awesome, awesome work! & those little magnets are TOO cute! :)
SvaraRaderahi!!!!!!!! love love love!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all the lo are so beautiful
SvaraRaderaI have been playing with my Wreck This Journal. It's so much fun!!
SvaraRaderaThanks for introducing it to me :)
I loved seeing all these pages. You seriously are one of my all time fave scrappers EVER!!
Hey, I have some of those great green magnets!!