This is a photo I took a cuple of years ago of my dad in his rearview mirror. It makes me feel so many diffrent things. You see my dad is from Hungary and when i was younger the whole family used to drive there twice a year. Although I can´t remember every trip I still have the feeling of us all in the car together. I learned my first german words while listening to dad asking for gas at gas stations: bleifrei, bitte! :) The photo also makes me remember all the trips me and my dad made just because. We would take the car and just go...go where ever for a day. Just driving through the city, country or both. Stopping where we wanted to stop, to buy an ice cream, peek in a cute country store or just to sit by a beautiful lake. To see his eyes through that mirror is like home for me. Just so used to it, it is how it should be, really. So the feelings would be something like: happiness, calmness and something familiar.
What a great thing to do!! Love the story behind this :)
SvaraRaderaYes I love this, been wanting to take a pic like this! Thanks for sharing this story about your father!