every year in august our little island changes time. this weekend we live as knights and other caracters from the midevil :) It is fun because every one gets so wrapped up in it and there are several hundreds of tourist that come and see our festival with horses and knights that battle and so on. The other year a cuple got married during the festival and that was so beautiful! The bride came riding on a horse with such a beautiful gown on and the whole audience saw the wedding. This year there was a vikings ship there too and they took small tours around the island. There is always a market with all kinds of goodies and awesome craftmanship. I sold tickets this year (aswell as last year) so I don´t have a good photo of the market but belive me it is good :) This is a photo of my daughter at last years festival.

It was fun!
I scrapped too! One for me and one for the oldest doggie.

I love reading about what you do on your island - very interesting :)
SvaraRaderalove the layouts you have been doing, great use of the new tape
what a fun event!