i played with the fun challenge over at Cocoa daisy that was inspired by the recent royal wedding in the UK. it was supposed to have something to do with weddings (obviously) and have a banner included. i actually did this page after i read the challenge, but not until i fnished it thought hey, this could totally go with the theme!
me and my husband celebrated our 9 years as a married couple this past week and my daughter took this photo of us, which i love. i added 2 of ali edwards word overlays in PSE and printed the photo all in all. i added my own pink banner and some twine. i really love how it turned out.
the challenge is over, but i thought it was a fun one so i wanted to post about it. i have some other anniversary layouts from years past also.
do you scrap your anniversarys?
Å så HIMLA snygg den blev! Ja, de är superfina allihop!