Have you heard that Gwen Stefani song? I felt so good this morning, so I cranked up the stereo and did a little dance-silly-like-no-one-is-watching-through-the-house dance :) It felt good! Try it today! Very liberating indeed. I listen through the CD and then took along shower. Ah the luxury!
I also had time to see an Oprah episode. I rarely do, but today it was about hope and that sounded good. So I am sitting there and there was an interview with a man that have held a sign with the words : FREE HUG on it. He went out and stood in places like the subway station or a mall and just asked for a hug. Many people, he said, thought he was a little crazy but then suddenly someone would come up to him and hug him. I think that is so cool. A hug means so much, I think. Go hug someone, it feels so good :)
I am going to make a little list again with some cool places and things that I like at the moment:
1. Just check out todays crafts at sewmamasew! I mean that house is so cool! Seriously there are some really cool crafters out there.
2. Carolines latest flickr mosaic.
3. Annika has bought my papers here and she has used it perfectly here and here.
4. KI memories popculture collection. Do I have to comment that?
5. This awesome print that Inge had at her blog!
6. Nisa rocked the SIS gallery the other night, she is such a cool scrapper.
7. Karla...I am not even going to start commenting on her :) You all know!
Ok, I will stop now and go scrap a page about the dancing :)
LOVE that picture of you!! :)