Today was a good day. we took a little roadtrip with my dad to a town nearby to do our monthly food shopping. Well, the food shopping isn´t that fun, but they have a store right next to it with some arts and craft things = Lisa happy! I got some paint, that´s all but it´s fun to look. When we got home my dear husband treated me to dinner at a local resturant. sweet :)
So, now i am here just blogging and checking message boards and other fun stuff. I miss last weekend when SIS had some of the greatest challenges that was so inspiring. I wish they could have another weekend like that.
ok, here is a little list of cool stuff I have found during my "blog-walk":
Sarah is just such a cool thinker. Me and my husband seriously had the discussion on down sizeing and decluttering during our recent vacation. Sarah speaks about that alot on her blog and she and her family has just recently bought a RV and are travelling the country. How cool is that!
"In the Summer of 2005, we were staying in a hotel for 4 weeks for business. We had a small suite that had a bedroom and a little kitchen. I realized while we were there that I was EXTREMELY HAPPY living in a smaller space. I liked knowing where Bella was at all times without searching. I liked that cleaning up only took a few minutes instead of an entire afternoon. It just clicked."and I love this about decluttering:
>"The state of your home is in direct proportion to the state of your heart/mind. When you have piles of stuff all over your house, your spirit just gets bogged down with all of it whether you know it or not. When you don’t have to worry about moving your STUFF around, cleaning your STUFF, and storing your STUFF…you have a lot more time to spend doing things things that you love and spending time with your family and friends! And that’s what life is all about."
It so makes sense to me.
Miss "hyperstarre" Caroline is one of my faves over at SIS and just looking through her blog makes me happy. She is really an outstanding scrapbooker and is always inspiring me in different ways. And she is an awesome photographer too :) Go check her blog for some yummy layouts!
I love Cheryls latest blog entry. Just go read it and you will understand. And by the way, I love that lo too!
Emma have made a clear album tutorial that is just so good. Today she is showing us page 10 of the album and letting us in on a very personal tragedy.
Carl Honoré is "still dashing around telling everyone how marvelous it is to slow down." :) I love that! But I love it even more that he is writing his new book on childhood in the 21 century. That will be very interesting. If you don´t know what I am talking about I have blogged it here.
I am leaving you with wall a few nights ago...

SvaraRadera... I like your wall!!!
great links lisa! i love finding inspiration through other sites! :)