
lördag 13 september 2014

10 things 15 years of motherhood taught me

My daughter turns 15 on Sunday. 15! Oh my! Each year around her birthday I think back on how time has gone by so fast and that I would like her to be my baby forever. Now as she is getting closer to adulthood, I am acctually also curious and looking forward to what she is going to become. Anyway, today I share 10 things motherhood has taught me these past 15 years. Enjoy!

1. A guilty conscience. Bam! right from the start! It´s like as soon as you hold your baby your head sets into a mode where you feel guilty about everything. Spending not enough time with the baby, or too much time (is she ever going to sleep on her own?!), wanting to sleep etc. And this just goes on as the baby grows. Get used to it!

2. Big love. Love that is nothing I have ever known ever before or after. It is indeed like having a piece of your heart walk around outside your body.

3. Enjoy it! I wish I would have enjoyed each age better. Someone once told me to remember that she (my daughter) will never be 3 again or 9 or 15.

4. Portability. You can bring along a child to most places. I had her with me everywhere; travels, shops, libraries and even at school. She just got used to it and learned how to behave in different social situations along the way.

5. Proud moments. There have been so many moments when I have felt so, so proud of her. It started with her first smile, step and clap of hands. But could also been her first word, art work and first time on stage.

6. Mama Bear is out. The mama bear feelings also comes right at birth, I think. That feeling of knowing you would pick up a car from her if neccessary. That feeling is so strong!

7. Not enough. The fear that I haven´t done enough, taught her enough life skills. Have I done enough so that she will do good in life? That question lies under the surface so many times.

8. Friends. Fear that I haven´t bonded with her enough for her to know that she can tell me anything!

9. You forget. No, I don´t remember which tooth of hers that came first or the exact date that she took her first step, but I am ok with that because I remember so many other things! And scrapbooking helps a lot!

10. Confindence! I am guilty of talking bad about myself infront of my daughter. I know that it
 isn´t good, but it is done. I still hope that the many times I have told her that she is perfect has the overhand and has effected her more.

There you have it, 10 things of many things that this crazy ride of motherhood has taught me so far.

Happy Friday!

1 kommentar:

  1. Ja, det är mycket som förändras när man blir förälder... Att ha barn som håller på att bli vuxna är också en ögonöppnare. Jag fnissar lite åt hur lika barnen är mig och K trots att de kanske tror att de är HELT sina egna.
