
onsdag 7 maj 2014

Project Life 2014 | Week 16 with Collect app

Welcome to week 16! 

With the amazing inspiration of Annette Haring I tried the Collect App for this week´s spread. I found it really easy to use and to print. I thought I´d just use those prints for the whole spread, but then the paper crafter in me weighed in and I just had to add other cards to some of the pockets! 

I also added a few digital stamps and also wood veneer pieces to some of the photos to make them a bit more 3D.

I also included the monthly photo I have set out to take this year. I decided that a photo out my kitchen window catches the different seasons quite perfectly!
The currently journaling card is also one of my favorite things to include every other week or so. 

I see using the Collect App for spreads to be useful for weeks when I don´t have a lot of craft time or while traveling. And I liked it so much that I already have another project in the works using it! 

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej! Kul att jag hittade din blogg (via Project Life Sverige), för här finns massor med inspiration att hämta. Den här appen tycker jag verkar lite rolig att använda. Ska bara få lite hjälp av nån som kan det där med att ladda ner appar... och sen försöka mej på att begripa hur den funkar... så kanske, kanske, kanske det skulle kunna bli nån slags projekt från mitt håll också....

    Tusen tack för tipset!
