
fredag 7 mars 2014

Lists with friends 2014 | My latest pins

I am an avid Pinterest user and the last time I checked I had 87 boards and 8,832 pins! I thought 
I´d share my 5 latest pins with you.

IROCKSOWHAT: Wifi Password Printable

1. This cute WI-FI password printable would look great in a frame somewhere in the house where guests are, right! 


2. This sprinting cat made me laugh so hard! 

another pallet idea

3. Recycled pallet ideas always inspire me! Isn´t this cute! 

My week 4 of my project 'my' life, page 2

4. Project Life ideas are something I pin very regulary. I am drawn to the smaller page protectors lately like this one

Poly Organza - How easy it is to create a whimsical, colourful setting that will delight everyone, just by draping this translucent fabric from the ceiling. Go to

5. Often I stumble upon inspiration that I will use for work. I love to look at different learning spaces. 

Are you on Pinterest? 

Bwlists200This post is part of a list-making project called Lists With Friends 2014, an effort to document the year in lists of all types. I love lists, and I love a good project : )

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