
fredag 23 november 2012

December daily | my book

This year, since I am doing Project Life, I wasn´t going to make a December daily minibook. I didn´t want to make it just for the sake of making it, you know. But then I happened upon Annette Haring on Instagram and she posted a minibook she made before just using a simple Moleskine book, a prompt and a list on the right side of a spead and a photo on the left and I was sold. This was a concept I could buy, even though I am doing my Project Life at the same time! This week Annette shared a really good post on how she is doing her December daily and also shared prompts for all 31 days.

I made my own Moleskine kind of book and printed her prompts. I ended up using just a few of those and made up a few of my own so that they would more fit how our December will look like.  
I plan on going through the pile of prompts every few days and see if I have a photo for it, or some days I will have a prompt ready. 

I have prepared by making the actual book, embellished it and added in the dates on each day. I plan to do a spread for each day, but because I have the prompts, it will be easier than finding something random each day that I perhaps already record in the Project Life album. 

Ok, that is the plan. We will see how it goes!
I plan to just add the whole minibook at the end of my Project Life album.

Ps. If you are interested in my December daily from 2010 here are three links! 

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