
torsdag 25 oktober 2012

From pin to reality | Big polaroids

This is a photo related post! Yay! These giant polaroids makes me so happy.

Pinned Image

link to pin

I don´t have a real polaroid camera (sniff) but there are great tools out there to transform your photos into polaroids.

I have used Poladroid which is a program you download to your computer.
I have also used the Polaroid frame option on Picmonkey.
That is what I wanted to show you today.

Open up your photo in Picmonkey and choose the frame option. Then choose Polaroid frame. This will make your photo into a polaroid and tilt it a bit. Drag the Rotate level to 0 so that your photo is straight. Save.

Now you can either open your photo in Word and resize it or if you have a printing program you open it up there and choose the size that you want to print in.

My examples was pretty much a full A4 page which is ofcourse not as big as on the pinned image, but enough for me. If you want to go even bigger take your A4 (or 8.5x11") to a copier and ask for a A3 size for example.

I backed the photo with some cardboard and added a string to make it able to hang on a wall.

I am thinking a few of these will find their way to a Holiday gift or two :)

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