
lördag 3 oktober 2009

exciting news!

i have some exciting news to share! yesterday we bought our plane tickets to Holland!!! we are spending a few days before christmas with a very good friend J in Rotterdaam. ah! we fell in love with that little country when we visited holland and france in 2008.

so, now i have a request for you familiar with the netherlands and/or live there... is there something that we must see or do while we are there? we will get there saturday 19th and leave 24th. during these days our friend J has to work a few and then we need to entertain ourselves :) we will be in rotterdaam, but if i remember right holland is not a very large country! so, please leave comments on this post or email me:

2 kommentarer:

  1. Yeah! The Swedes are coming back to town! It's going to be a good time, no doubt.

  2. Thank you for sharing your blog addy over on TwoPeas! I will definitely be back. Sounds like you will have a wonderful holiday this Christmas! Take care!

    PS I will send you an invite to my blog... hope that's okay! :)
