
torsdag 29 oktober 2009

3 things that cheered me up while in hospital

believe me there have been many more things, not just 3, that have been cheering me up while i have been here in the hospital not to mention the massive amount of phonecalls from my family ♥ notes from my daughter ♥♥ and visits from my husband ♥♥♥
but i´d like to mention three other things:

there are some really cool art pieces on the walls of this hospital. wouldn´t that be a cool job, picking out art for a public place?! this is one i got on film, but there are some very cool murals too.

euhm...well these did make me giggle so they cheered me up :) haha

and this is what i did to entertain myself lastnight; chocheting for an upcoming project i will share in november, listening to a dennis lehane book and drinking juice. oh, and answering the phone :)

i am to have a new x-ray this morning and then maybe, just maybe i will get to go home this afternoon!

1 kommentar:

  1. I hope the x-ray goes well and you get to go home soon! Get well sweetie!
