
fredag 31 juli 2009

new projects

i wonder where this extreme joy i feel when i work on new projects come from. really. how can something that others might think is just blaha give me almost butterflies in my tummy? sometimes just the thought of colorful paper, glue and some ink can make me giggle :) hm...i might have a condition afterall :=)
anyway, here are 2 of my latest super simple craft projects.

from my work with little kids i have seen more than once, that it is the tags on toys that find their way in to mouths than the acctual toy :) so i wanted to make a tag-blanket. since i have a bunch of scrap ribbon i used up a bit of my stash for this :) you will need a piece of fleece fabric and fold it in two. cut your ribbon and put the bits inbetween the fabric and just sew it together. voila! instant baby gift! this would be a perfect christmas gift, right!

and since i was playing with the sewing machine and had some fleece fabric left i decided to make a laptop comfy for my new toy :) also super simple; sew everything together to make a pouch. i sewed a few seams straight (ok not that straight) over the front to make a little more texture. i embellished the front with some buttons too!

oh, how i love easy and simple crafts!

ETA: i had a wonderful comment on this post that i wanted to share:
Anonymous said...
Nice idea. Normally the ribbon is looped to prevent strands becoming a possible choking hazard.

thank you so much!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Såna där snuttefiltar har jag sett i diverse babyaffärer, men tänkt att man skulle kanske kunna sy såna själv... men så är det ju det där med mig och symaskiner... hmm, den står i garderoben och har nog inte använts på en sisådär 10 år! :-S

    Hur som helst... jättefina grejer du gjort! :-)


  2. Nice idea. Normally the ribbon is looped to prevent strands becoming a possible choking hazard.
