
lördag 23 maj 2009

silly sally

sally (our cat) might possibly be the strangest cat i have known. i guess since she was found outside in a bad shape as a kitten anything might have happened to her before that. don´t get me wrong, we love her dearly and she is a delight to be around, she just does a bit odd things :) this is just a collection of her sleeping arrangements :)

she and dixon are really the best of friends and that is so cool. ofcourse she is in the scrapbooks too.

1 kommentar:

  1. Åh så fin hon är! Påminner lite grann om vår katt Berit tycker jag.

    Ni vill inte ha en katt till? ;-) Vi letar efter ett hem till vår ena Maine coon Hedda och till vår huskatt Berit. Måste tyvärr minska antalet katter här hemma eftersom William har såna problem med sin astma. Känns skitjobbigt och helst vill jag ha alla våra katter kvar... men men... nu är det som det är... :-(
