
lördag 1 november 2008

happy weekend and hello november


i am back from a work trip.
it was fun.
we had a storm.
as usual when on work trips...

can you belive it is november?!
we had some snow, well not on the
island but we went grocery shopping
on the mainland and we found snow :)

dixon loves snow

i have decided to take a photo
a day in november. i am really
hoping that it will last.
i have no self-control
i was so inspired by the we♥it site
see what i♥

i created.
it was ok.
it is a october minibook.
i like it.

for the little date i used
the same technique as i did here

i used a transperency sheet.
it makes a lot of difference.

i am still working on the weekend

i have decided that the first newsletter
will go out friday november 7th.
i am excited.

2 kommentarer:

  1. loved the post, photos and especially that MINI .. darling..

    have a Happy Saturday

  2. ahhh Fab pic of your dog in the snow. I love your banner too. I should take a pic everyday too but Im a slacker and know Ill forget at about day 7. LOL
