"I guess everyone has something on their body that they are unhappy with. Maybe it is the haircolor, eyes or ears. For me it would possibly be the ears, which if I am frank do stand out a bit. But that has never been an issue for me. For me it is definitely my stomach. I easily gain weight right around my stomach and it almost looks like i am pregnant. I wish! But a lot is about my scar after my c-section. The scar and the stretchmarks after my pregnancy have made my stomach look doughy and unfit. Even when I was very fit, it looked like that. The scar, which is a bikini one, makes the skin fold over it. The stretchmarks become white/pink when I get tanned and my daughter says I have fire on my belly! I have tried to like all this, but it is hard. Maybe it has something to do with the delivery? But, then I have short moments when I am so unbelivebly proud of that stomach, that body that has carried a child. Given life. My husband says that the strechmarks are “lifemarks” and it is true, isn´t it! They are marks a proof that I have given life. And the scar is is something I am so thankful of. Without it my daughter might not have been here today… Those moments, when I think like that, it really doesn´t matter that the stomach looks like that. It is such a non-thing!"
torsdag 9 oktober 2008
in the comments on a previous post of mine, i posted a layout about my thought about my stomach. i have had a few people ask me to translate the journaling. And after a few thoughts i decided i would, so here it comes.
wow...that is some powerful journaling. thank you for opening up and sharing. i think that's my favorite part of scrapbooking...the real life stories about how we think and how we feel.
SvaraRaderawonderful job.