
tisdag 25 mars 2008

my easter

my easter, originally uploaded by lisafisa.

well, my easter was filled with the above :) Ali´s weekend creative prompt was to list what you want to focus on this weekend. Here is mine:

♥ family; i love spending time with family! As times goes by and we all spend more and more time together I love it more and more too.

♥ animals; i also love to spend time being around animals. We are so lucky that all our animals like eachother and come along.

♥ nature; we took lots of long walks in forests this weekend. The snow and the sun made the forest look like magic.

♥ conversations; just random conversations that can be about small things and big things.

Ps. Look out for my first post in my series of inspo on the internet coming tomorrow!


1 kommentar:

  1. Your photos are beautiful. I esp liked the forest ones and the set table. So very pretty. Looks like you had a wonderful Easter holiday :)
    Looking forward to your inspo list..
