
tisdag 11 december 2007

halleluja I scrapped!

Oh, my it felt so good to finally be able to create anything again! This is my 28 things I know at 28:

♥ people change
♥ an animal means alot
♥ to shop really helps one to feel better
♥ to take it easy and really enjoy life is harder than said
♥ it is important to put yourself first sometimes
♥ you can get a lot of friends through internet
♥ negative people are contagious
♥ I can do almost anything myself
♥ enjoy love
♥ to think about what other people thinks, takes alot of energy
♥ the thought behind a gift is always more worth than the gift itself
♥ you cannot leave IKEA without buying something
♥ I watch reality shows so that I feel even smarter
♥ a hug means a lot
♥ a good book is so much better than any TV show
♥ that you have to leave things behind and go forward
♥ that I will always be tired in the morning
♥ that I should get my drivers licence
♥ sometimes I feel too old for somethings
♥ that i will alwyas have butterflies in my tummy on Christmas Eve
♥ people think that I am good
♥ i like making other people happy
♥ i love romantic comedies
♥ english murder stories are a favorite
♥ that I want to travel more
♥ that I have people really caring about me
♥ that I like to create and be creative
♥ music affects me alot
♥ i have so much to learn about life

I also scrapped that before Christmas party photo from the other day.

And me doing what i love most...(not taking photos of myself in the mirror, but taking photos in general!)

Did you see that counter! 1000 hits in one week people!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Jättesnygga LO:s! Du har verkligen en underbar scrapstil! Vad många fina foto du har på dig själv... Jag måste bli bättre på att fota mig också, inte bara dottern...:-)
    Har suttit i kväll och funderat ut hur jag ska organisera mina LO och album, tror jag har kommit fram till en bra lösning. Just nu ligger det mest huller om buller... Hur gör du?

    Ha det bra!

  2. I love the list! Especially the one about Christmas still giving you butterflies - I'm the same way.

  3. Hej! Jag igen...:-)
    Ville bara säga att på Scrapperiet ( så är de rea just nu och de har Alis bok...
    Eller har du köpt den redan? Jag beställde den, har hört många som har sagt att den är fantastisk, hoppas att den finns kvar...
