
fredag 16 november 2007


I am feeling may have something to do with the music I am listening is an album called Absolute Women and there are some beautiful songs on there. Like:

Life for rent w/ Dido
Fields of gold w/ Eva Cassidy
The look of love w/ Diana Krall
The beautiful goodbye w/ Amanda Marshall

well, I can go on (is a 2 cd album!) I especially love every version of Fields of gold, don´t you? And i love Dido period. But i am in need of some new music. I seem to just listen to old music, which I don´t mind really, but right now I feel the need for something new! Do you have any suggestions? J, this would be a good Christmas gift too! :) Leave a suggestion in the comments section for me!

Otherwise I went to a thrift shop tonight and found some "new" bags. I love to buy bags in thrift shops because you can buy several without going bankrupt. I got three! Schyss: don´t tell my husband! I know I know I am really not in need for ANY bags at the moment, but I am like some women are with shoes! I love bags!

I have enjoyed checking in with the sewmamasew blog everyday this month to see what genius things they all come up with. Still haven´t been there? Please go! Tomorrow they are doing purses ♥ :)

Elise had a great ornament tutorial on her blog the other day. Very simple and very cool! I am definetly going to try to make some of those!
She also has a very cool collection of daily cards. I have been so nspired by all these altered cards floating around the internet and I came up with this.

I just altered the playing cards and added names of stuff that makes me happy.

And I did this with a photo i acctually took in a clothing stores dress room. They had : You look great! written on the mirror! Talk about self bost!

One more to add to my BOM album. fight is what i do everyday!

And Harry sure does love his ball!

Tomorrow i am going to meet the 2 newest members of our island: twin newborn boys :) Yes, I can see why you are jealous of me :) I love to smell babies ah...

6 kommentarer:

  1. I hope you get over the blues. Maybe those little baby boys will help.
    I just finished browsing the links you left. Love it! Have a great weekend.

  2. Oh my gosh! That dressing room picture is awesome!! What a clever thing!! Love all your work, looks like a creativity spree!!

  3. By the way, I am addicted to handbags too! YOu're not alone haha!!

  4. i haven't heard fields of gold in so long!! i'm glad you mentioned it!

  5. Shittpommfritt vilka snygga LO:s! Jag vill scraplifta varenda en!!:-)
    Nu måste jag kolla in i min kappahl butik...:-).

    Livet är verkligen som en bergochdalbana ibland...
    Hoppas att du känner dig gladare snart...
    Ska fundera ut en liten lista med skön musik, kanske alltid nåt du kan fastna för.;-)

    Tack för en otroligt inspirerande blogg!

  6. I see you've been to Kappahl!
    I haven't seen that on the mirrors here.
