
fredag 20 juli 2007

ok so lets get started!

I have acctually found some time to scrap today between loads of laundry and cutting the grass. So here I go!

This layout is about a fabulous café we went to in one of the little towns we stayed in. They had SO many cakes and cookies to choose from OMG! It was so worth the 20 minute wait to get a table. I acctually made this layout up in my head sitting there in the café :)

The next one is totally about my new found love for hiking and the amazing mountains. I just love these big stones where people had left smaller stones as a mark that they had been there.

And I had to do one about the reindeers :) They were literally right there at the parking lot just walking through :)

And finally the last one for today. We lived in a few really cute cottages during the trip!

As a few of you know I bought Keri Smiths "wreck this journal" before I left and I have decided to create a blog for my work in that book. You can find it in the links section on the left! Come by!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Vilka fina och stilrena LO´s du gjort. Trevlig resa har ni haft också. Bilat runt en hel del i Sverige under vår semester. Men hur får du till dina LO´s så snabbt? *avundsjuk*. Skriver du ut fotona hemma eller så? Jag har länkat till dig nu och uppdaterat lite själv. Bye!

  2. Hmm, jag skrev lite konstigt såg jag. Jag skulle skriva att VI har bilat runt i Sverige också under vår semester, fast även i Danmark och en sväng till Tyskland.

  3. you did all that and you just got home!? you are extreme!
