
måndag 9 april 2007

hakuna matata

:) Do you remember this song from The Lion King? My DD is having a friend here that spend last night here. and for breakfast they are whatching that movie in their beds. Just a few minutes ago the little Lion King met Timon and Pumbaa for the first time and they sang that Hakuna Matata song and then suddenly the whole house started singing that song; the 2 girls, me in the kitchen and my DH still in bed :) Haha...funny!

Speaking of funny: This was me and the gand on saturday night. Do I look like a bed?!!! :) Cozy pozy!

The layout below is the forth published one for me :) Not my fav lo but they liked it!

I´ll be back soon with more :)

5 kommentarer:

  1. Hej Lisa,
    vilken skön Påsk ni verkar ha haft!
    Vilken mysig frukosthörna du har fått. Det var sånt härligt ljus i bilderna. Hoppas vi kan träffas känner att det börjar bli dags. Kram Sofia

  2. Hooray for you!!! "Miss publish"

    XOXO inge

  3. oh my gosh that layout is ALL about the picture! i LOVE that picture!

  4. You make beautiful work!!!

    Have a nice day!

    Bety :)

  5. My dd is 31 and still likes to "share" the couch with me. Your pic brought back great memories. Big congrats on being pubbed!
