
söndag 1 april 2007

back again

I cannot belive that I have been gone for this long and still I have no news about my life! :) Spring has really paid a visit to southern Sweden the last week or two and I have been busy preparing the garden. I am a period-gardner. I love it in the start but then when the garden needs more maintance I usually sit in the sun in my good chair reading a book! But isn´t it funny how spring can suprise you every year?! We are planning to plant some new bushes this year and we are now scouting for good ones that grow fast.

Hm...what else? Yeah, I have a very cool CJ at the moment. It is one of the girls in the 8 Europeans&3 americans CJ I am in that has made a CJ that´s called Soundtrack of your life. How cool is that?! My life has always been full of music since my dad made speakers and other radio stuff. Then it was mostly 60s and 70s music "If your going to San in your hair..." and stuff like that. Then the love of music has always been there. I have been singing in choirs forever and love to sing gospel. Ah, during the teen ages it was all from Bryan Adams "Everything I dooooo....I´d do it for youuuu..." :) and Celine Dion "The poooower oooof looove!!!" And I remember we listened to many of the older 80s rock ballads oh , my! :) Like Metallicas "Nothing else matters". No Doubt and The Cranberries, The Fugees and Shania Twain...:) Ah, the memories! It is fun to go back, have you done it?

I have also been lurking blogs (ofcourse!) and I saw that Elsie made a post about organazing albums the other day. I have been thinking about that. At the moment I have my albums organized cronologicly (my God I cannot spell that word but you know what I mean, right?!) But as, Elsie stated; some of my layouts just don´t make any sense in that order. Hm...what do you think? How are you doing it?

I can´t belive that Easter is just around the corner, can you? We are having a quite one this year. Remodeling abit and just haning out, eating eggs :)

My scrapping have also been down for a while, just not feeling it right now. I have made some though and here they are:

We had a wonderful day with my mom the other weekend and this is all about that. The journaling block opens up and there is a story written inside.

This is a sketch challenge no love, but I love it though!

Have I shared this here before? It is an older one but I like it still. Very much inspired by the fab Cheryl Manz

This is my take on Kims HMITM #29 (use 10 photos, 10 rubons and 10 diecuts). I know, I cheated I made a 2pager but I just couldn´t make it right without spreading the photos out. Hey, I made it! But I see I am terrible with stitching pages together :(

My DH was sour all day one day about a little fight we had. And this is what I got the next day! :) He is slowly learning! LOL!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Isn't spring great. Like you it hits me every year and I am happy as a child when I see the first little green leaves peeping out of the buds. And now every bush has a light green fluffy look... I love spring, it makes me very happy after the dark winter.

    XOXO INge

  2. ooooo love all these new layouts!!
