
tisdag 28 april 2009

we all went on a much needed forest walk together last night. a kind of walk that gives you the opportunity to really hear everything and see more. and flower picking is always a good thing according to me :)

måndag 27 april 2009

spring has really sprung!

today 7 years ago i said i do to my husband and he said the same to me.

the story: my girl really likes her hair long, but the downside is that she has to comb it witch she hates :) so one night last week she suddenly agreed to get it cut, so i saw my chance :)

the goods: i printed my photos with text on them, the bird tag is scenic route and the s where cut out of felt.

the story:we keep a whiteboard pen in our bathroom so that we can write messages to eachother on the mirror. one day last week my daughter wrote a love message, then my husband responded and then i did. i love our everyday love :)

the goods: i love this background paper :) i found it in a pamflet and had to use it on a layout. i journalled on the My minds eye journaling tag with my typewriter and punched out hearts for the bubbles :) i very rare layout with no photos!

the story: the cute little note i got from my girl on V-day was begging to be preserved :)

the goods: the paper is from 2peas free digital kit of april. butterflies from mel and clouds by moi :)

the story: we were playing on the beach and i really love these photos.

the goods: super simple with scenic route tags and for all the swedish people yes that is this years "majblomma".

we had a wonderfully warm and sunny weekend and i am thrilled that spring is early and in full bloom here!

lördag 25 april 2009

this and that

♥ i would love to be able to make one of these!

simply handmade is one of my newest blogs to visit. i just got access to a minialbum idea book :)

♥ the WIP blog had the cutest Mother´s day ideas.

♥ a chunky book might be a thing to do this weekend...

♥ i have been working in my garden and in my shed i found my daugters old crib pad. mind thought, how can i use this now? yep, i will cut it in three to make knee pads for me to use in the garden!

then i digged deep to find my eyelets and attached one to each pad to make it possible to hang them up in the shed :)

a quick, easy and useable project = just the way i like them!

onsdag 22 april 2009

on a not so happy day...

...i turned to some garden therapy...

yes, this day even started crummy. as soon as i woke up i felt it. i have the choice to go home early from work right now and today for the first day i did. and when i got home i dressed for some garden work and go started with some weeding and new plants. it is nice for the soul.

måndag 20 april 2009

winner again!


who said...
i'd save a bronze sculpture made by an old boyfriend 27 years ago. and what's so cool about this is my husband agrees with this choice. thanks for the opportunity

i haven´t heard from you kimbo848, so if you see this or anyone who know her please email me with your adress and your prints of choice!

i´ll be back very very soon with a better and more creative post :)

fredag 17 april 2009

winner and some shares

ok, first thank you for sharing your fire stories! i tossed your comments in a bowl and the winner is...


who said...
i'd save a bronze sculpture made by an old boyfriend 27 years ago. and what's so cool about this is my husband agrees with this choice. thanks for the opportunity

please email me with your adress and your prints of choice!

the story: my husband took a bunch of photos of me and my daughter while at the beach the other day. of all the photos he took, this is my favorite. to me it is perfect.

the goods: i used an old envelope handmade and bought from IKEA a few years ago. i inserted a piece of paper and wrote my journaling on there. added a titel and a butterfly.

the story:not much more than a plain page about dixon.

the goods: i printed 3 black and white photos and one larger colored one in WORD. the photos were mounted on amy butler paper and then i added a circle embellishment from a digital kit...the paper strip (green) is from Bazzil and the journaling tag is from a kit i bought at a local bookstore and i can´t remember what it was called!

the story: my desk represent my love for creating.

the goods: the text paper is from a thrifted vintage childrens book. arrow from senic route and stickers from Åhléns.

the story:one day when i was working and being with the kids out in the forest i took a look upwards and saw this. it made me feel so lucky and happy!

the goods: the patterned paper is from 2peas april free digital kit. selfprinted tag and carina garnder made the "i felt..." tag.

torsdag 16 april 2009

Happy TOSGA!

aka Thursday Old Stuff Give Away! This time around you will get:

a bunch of vintage buttons
tags, labels and other paper goods
and 3 prints of your choice from my flickr set of flower closeups (the prints will be no bigger than 12*16 cm a piece!)

so get it on, answer this: in case of a fire, what would you save first besides your family and pets?

i will draw a winner by the weekend!

onsdag 15 april 2009


, originally uploaded by swesselhoft.

i do need to focus better on so many things. i have been in such a rut lately where i have done things half way if you know what i mean. i have every intention to do something but i end up on that damn (but very loveable) couch and then i can´t seem to get my butt of it! it makes me very frustrated! i know much has to do with my illness (i was diagnosed with cronical depression a while back) but i get frustrated with the lack of willpower sometimes. i really don´t want to be one of those that didn´t really live their life just dreamed about all the things they could have as a way to help me to a kick start i re-viewed my list of 30 things to do before i turn 31. just for kicks i will post them here again:

1. be a world parent through unicef (done)
2. sew more
3. do more guerilla art
4. go to the hairdresser (done)
5. laugh out loud often
6. go see fotball
7. go see ice hockey
8. dance
9. get my license
10. run in a photo contest
11. drop 5 kilos
12. try yoga
13. go for a horse carrige ride
14. take my daughter to the amusement park
15. read a nobelprize winner
16. go to a photoexhibition
17. go to every exhibition in my local art gallery
18. make a new inspirationboard (in progress)
19. swing
20. go to a museum alone
21. save 100 crowns every month (eh...)
22. go to a concert
23. go to the movies 3 times (one down)
24. make a sound collage
25. do more small things for enviroment (in progress)
26. take more walks
27. travel
28. look at this list often
29. sleep in a tent
30. love (in progess!)

so there i have it once again. i just might have to choose a point or two to focus more on right now, you know just to get me up and going again...

söndag 12 april 2009


what could have come out of this mess you ask...

well these...

i followed these directions. fun.

lördag 11 april 2009

a longish post :)

i rearranged my craftroom for like the 20th time :) i wanted a few new things on the walls. the fabric hoops (seen below) and these baby clothes from when my daughter was small made the trick!

i thrifted this lovely fabric blind last summer without having measurements for my window. when i got home it was to small for our windows but i cut it up to make a few projects. like these...

this poor thing was longing to get outside while i was sick...

although i was feeling crap, i had to get the camera out for this.

my daughter begged me to take a walk down by the water and well i wasn´t very hard to convince, since i l.o.v.e the beach.

we had such a sweet time together. we talked and snuggled and laughed on the windy but yet kinda warm beach. all while this guy did what he does best.

i am in the process of changing the monthly shelf in my hallway. for easter i put these little guys on there.

this little guy is such a fave for me, my daughter made him :)

torsdag 9 april 2009

ok ok

just to put a post out there while i am preparing a better one...


i am still here...sorry for being absent but i am struggling with my 3rd stomach flu in 3 months...i am feeling better today, so i will be back on here very soon!

söndag 5 april 2009

sundays are lazy in my house

...which means i totally spend to much time on the couch watching the weeks re-runs of desperate housewifes (which i really am not that into) and grey´s anatomy (which i am totally into!), eating junk and surf the internet...then franticly spend the afternoon cleaning and oraganizing the house because i feel better when it is all set for the next week :)

i did find alot of cute new craft ideas while surfing among many others i love this by retro-mama.
easter eggs fabric style :)

ok, back to cleaning ;)

lördag 4 april 2009

document the everyday

today we:

took a nap

cleaned the garage

organized the shed


bought new flowers

planted the flowers

played catch

aet icecream


yesterday i:



the story: our movie date last weekend...

the goods: wow, this wil be short...i cannot remember who made that paper, but i did use both sides and added a label and a butterfly. :)

the story: we have had the best spring weather this week and one day i even took out the spring shoes only to be able to kick them of and curl up in the sun with a book.

the goods: journaling strip is by carina gardner who can be found on 2peas. and the butterfly loveliness is all due to a wonderful little package i got from the land down under this week...thanks a million mel :)

the story: i took these photos last weekend while visiting the animal shelter and i loved them. and he loved the cats :)

the goods: a few weeks ago i was able to get some of these cardstock diecut boarders and they are really cute. the title is rub-on letters.