
onsdag 26 november 2008

right now

bags and bags and boxes ready to be sent to goodwill. my daughter and me had a big talk about unjustice in the world and having way to many yesterday she was a really good girl and left alot of things in the "goodwill" pile!

the computer is on and i should really get off it to go do other stuff, like scrap, do the dishes, make the beds...

i am sneaking in some christmas decoration already. but when i think of it advent is starting this sunday so it is not so early after all...

monopoly is being played by the beloved family, who was home earlier that me today.

sally is such a curious little cat. she really loves our daughter and is always following her around. right now these beads are very interesting :)

some yummy garlic is going into our dinner tonight...well, garlic is in almost all our food around here :) it is a great spice!

these paper bags with wrapped and ready christmas gifts makes me so content :)

this is going on in my end of the world, and in yours?

tisdag 25 november 2008


ok, mindi asked what my "nameday" was. i understnad the question, because i have had other people asking the same thing :) in the swedish calendar there are 2 names to each day. so, on november 19th it says Lisbet and Elisabet on december 24th it says Eva. Does it make any sense? i really don´t know why, but it is nice to have a special day accept for your birthday :)

it is cold here :)

söndag 23 november 2008


happy sunday ya´ll!

can you believe that another week has gone by? that means that Christmas is another step closer! the third newsletter ala weekend project holiday style has gone out and here are a few ofthe projects:

♥ fabric hoops
♥ lp-art
♥ rise-heaters
♥ candy toppers

are you curious? well, leave a comment and you will to get the newsletter via email!

yesterday i did do alittle scrapbooking. and as promised here is the share:
dixon is such a funny dog. we had to record one of his quirks! when he gets a treat such as a cracker or something, he goes into the livingroom and makes a little happy dance for it! and when he has rolled around and jumped on it a few times it is ready to be eaten! :) i still love the 6x12 format.

my daughter suprised me on my nameday on the 19th with a lovely tray of goodies. i love her ♥

i changed up the curtains in our bedroom and put up our lightball and the window always let´s in such a lovely light. it is my way to sneak in a little holiday lights before advent :)

we finished the stable to our nativity scene.

we all love it :) and it was a funproject to do together!

how is your sunday?

lördag 22 november 2008

tagged x 2

i was tagged by the ever so fab Anna and i am doing that one in swedish...

Vilken mat äter du ofta?
Pasta med köttfärssås

När du är på kalas, är du personen som sitter eller hjälper du till att duka av?
Den senare
Var sitter du helst när du bloggar?
Vid datorn i mitt scraprum.
Köper du ofta Triss?
Aldrig faktiskt
Vilket land eller vilken stad har varit din bästa semester?
När vi var i Paris.
Vilken tv-kanal tittar du mest på?
Ja, det är nog femman.
Vilket är ditt favoritvin?
Dricker inte vin :)


and Kristen tagged me in english so i am doing that in english :)

I am supposed to reveal 7 things about myself here...and then pass the tag along to 7 others. i am doing the first half and then it is up to you if you want to do it.

1. i am addicted to the internet, i truly am. i love it for so many reasons!

2. i stopped eating chocolate a week ago and i messed up only once!

3. i secretly wish i lived in another house.

4. i wish i was born in the 40s, so i could go to the salon and get my hair done on a weekly basis and wear nylons and red lipstick.

5. i like any music out there.

6. i have way to many projects at any given time. puh!

7. i can´t wait until Christmas, because that is my favorite!

nothing new i guess...

here is some natural love for you...

and my view from the harbour yesterday!

i acctually did scrapbook, but my daughter has the camera for the night, so i´ll share tomorrow!

fredag 21 november 2008

what´s wrong with this picture?

yep, that is dixon in action of slowly taking over the sofa :)

happy friday!

tisdag 18 november 2008

what´s in your purse?

(this is my work bag/tote. it is the one i carry around most days when i am here working, but if i go to the mainland i change them up a bit)

a post very much inspired by the cutest mindi!

1. new scrap magazines :) unread!

2. a new thing, i haven´t even tried it yet. light brunett conditioner. i have no idea, i got it for free at work?! i´ll let you know how it works out :)

3. my planner. right now full of parent/teacher talk papers.

4. my sticky notes that suzanne bought for me *love*

5. uhm...well a silver ball...uhm...i was going to leave it at work to use as a magic silvery ball about 4 weeks ago...maybe i´ll leave it tomorrow!

6. a michael connelly book i am reading right now. i always have to have something to read in my bag!

7. make-up bag. also used when i travel. now it is not full at all!

8. my journal. everything goes in here; thoughts, ideas, jotter...

9. lip balm. which i really don´t like because it tastes really bad...maybe i´d buy a new one, eh?!

10. a bag of nuts and dried fruit. my atempt to quit chocolate ;)


Me and my daughter started a new craft project together yesterday. we had bought some wooden bodies and we are making our own nativity scene!

she painted the bodies of jesus, joseph, mary and the three wise men. we are also making an angel.

baby jesus :)

we are making the acctual stable also, but that is another project that we are planning for the weekend!

söndag 16 november 2008


i decided on what to do with that crochet project i have been talking about lately! i opened a :) it is very simple and easy just now and it is what a plan to keep it like. i will be loading it up a little in the next cuple of days so that you can be able to get some Christmas gifts perhaps ;)

Come on over and take a little look!

lördag 15 november 2008

continued post...

happy saturday! i am back with freshly charged batteries and some more projects to share!

Well, the first one is some gift wrapping, but you will only get this shot here for now...

and the next ones are for my neices and newphew. They were plain wooden letters that represent their initials and i dressed them up alittle :) i also attached a hook so that they can be hung. it was fun!

ok, i´ll leave you with that!

fredag 14 november 2008

wanna come over and play?

i am about to have some serious creative fun tonight! wouldn´t it be fab if you all could come over and play with me?!! i have lot´s of projects going on right now:

* a crochet project (maybe etsy?)
* a Jessica Sprague project
* still a few things for the last newsletter
* a blackboard project drying up right now and needs a second coat
* a birthday gift in the making...
* i have some new fabric hoops to fill!
* holiday cards are being made today
* i might play a bit with some beads...

well, as you see i have a few things to do! but i think this to-do list is all fun!
so, i am going to edit this post as i go along!

i will start with a finished project:
i had a freebie necklace from like a book club or something laying around and then today when on a hunt for something completely else (!) i found this bead bracelet with gold colored dolphins on it. hm...i thought...i might use them together to make a necklace for my ever animal loving daughter :)

i simply removed the silvery heart from the necklace and attached one of the dolphins on the necklace instead. Voila! Instant jewellery :)

my girl is like me...low maintenance :)

ok see you soon!

edited at 4:52 pm:

a few holiday cards


blackboard project almost done


a tee for the jonas brother crazy daughter!


wanna make one too? i got the tee transfer photo here.

ok, back to work!

edited at 9:24 pm:

oh, mindi what would you do with all that ribbon?!!

unfortunatly i can´t show you anything more right now since my camera batteries just died and i haven´t gotten any fresh one :) see you tomorrow!

tisdag 11 november 2008

i am a hero!

i am! i caught a mouse today! yes i did! well technically it was our cat, but i made him catch it! hehe...ok, here is the story (fyi?!)
At 4am yesterday morning i heard sally chasing something in the hallway. she is usually sound asleep in my daughters bed all night, so i just knew that it was a mouse. suddenly i heard her jumping beneath my bed and well the mouse was trapped. i guess it ws there all night long (i can´t understnad how i managed to go to sleep again!). the morning after we got both cats in the badroom and closed the door, thinking that we were giving them like a little easy snack (i know horrible!) can you guess what the darn cats did?! they jumped up on the bed, licked themselves and fell asleep!!! what?! i shook my head and muttered something about useless cats...
when my husband came home he rigged 2 mouse trapps in the bedroom and then we all slept in another room for the night. Peeking in the bedroom this morning resulted in that we knew it was either a very smart mouse or a not very hungry mouse, because both trapps were still rigged! i went to work and still when i just came home no mouse in any of the trapps. i had enough (+ my husband made me angry when he said that i am pitiful) took my boots on and a pair of gloves and just emtied everything in the closets out, i knew the mouse were in there somewhere. i also grabbed the cat and shoved him in the closet and he got to work. he caught it almost right away!
when everything was over, i felt sorry about the mouse, but very proud of myself! whohoo!

i am very happy to report that thank God "my" mouse was much smaller than the rat at you remember?


anyways i scrapbooked again! made me happy! i captured how i have inspired my daughter to also take silly self portraits in strange places, like here in the car window :)

i hope that you have a wonderful, mousefree day!

söndag 9 november 2008

general update

ah, sunday already...i feel like this is a good day for a week recap and some general updates.

life doing good. i have been feeling low for about 3 weeks now, but am feeling a change. that is good. we are keeping busy here at home. we had a friend over who helped us remodel the laundry room, it is not finished, but we are on our way.
my daughter wasn´t home one night this week, don´t get me wrong i love that she has friends, but i miss her sometimes...and my husband worked late 3 nights + saturday so i guess i missed him too.


all is well with the zoo here :) sally is acting like she owned the house and the older cat is teaching her to fight. dixon is running around squeeking to get toplay with the cats (he thinks that he can teach sally to fight too!!!) and sadie is hungry...= everything is normal :)


my craft room is such a mess right now. i certainly have too many project going at the same time right now. i am working on the last weekend project newsletter and i have been setting up all kinds of things to photograph for that. and i acctually scrapbooked! i have a flow last night so i just went with it!

i haven´t used buttons on a layout in ages! so for this i busted out my farely large stash for this.

just a simple one journaling about how hard it is to be a mama sometimes...

a cousin photo gone bad :)

i am thinking out a bunch of crafts for christmas and am working on a crochet project that i can share soon.

and i worked on a photoshop project almost all day yesterday, i finished it! now i just have to think things through a bit, before i can share that too :)


i still love to work with the coolest minds on the earth! we are making some changes for the better and it means even more responsibility on will all work out and i am so happy that i am able to take some much inspiration from the creative family and i love dirt .

a photo a day in november

i am happy to report that i am keeping up with that!

so, i guess there you have it.
now on to some other things i have stumbled over on this wonderful thing called internet.

I visited Jessicas "how about orange" and she posted about multicolr this is a very cool site where you can search flickr photos by color. i have yet to learn if you can save a mosaic, so here is a link-based example.

This is when i added just green to the palett.

green + blue

green + blue + red

cool, eh?! this is a great way to see which color can be used together etc. thank you, jessica!

i was lost on this site for a good while a few days ago. it is strange how home decorating can be so fun!

little birdie secrets is a very cute place all things handmade!

have you seen the mama to mama site? such a good thing!

ok, got to go! blog you soon!

torsdag 6 november 2008

YAY! last year was so much fun!!! i am so happy that Sew Mama Sew has a Holiday special this year also!
i have a few faves already that i have bookmarked for later.

fabric basket

passport cover

fun fun fun


it has been kind of cold around here the last week.


we took a break from IKEA shopping to have friday dinner at mcdonalds :)


weekend project girls: what did you think about the first newsletter?

onsdag 5 november 2008

you have written history!

Oh my gosh, you guys! what a wonderful job you all did voting! i haven´t wanted to make my blog political at all, but i have rooting for Obama all the way! Swedish media has been reporting from the process for a long time now and a few swedes think that it has been too much. but, this is a huge deal for us too! usa is a very big country and it´s decisions have a huge impact on every corner of the world.
i am so very very happy to be alive in this time, to be part of history in the making. Yesterday we had cnn on all night and we talked to our daughter about african-american history and this morning she asked when she woke up: did the good guy win? :)
while watching the voting i made a layout about this. i have some newspaper clippings that will go into the same page protector in the album.
