
onsdag 28 februari 2007

HMITM challenge #24

Wow I really made it this week! But I will have to admit: This IS to much for me! :) Aren´t you proud of me, Kim?! :)

lördag 24 februari 2007

this & that

First of all; thank you very much for the congratulations on my birthday! It is way cool to have you do that! Another very cool thing is what sweet Susie wrote on Beezieland, which I am a proud part of,

Happy birthday, Lisa O!
How does it feel to be 28? How have you been celebrating? What was your birthday weather like today, and what did you get? :D
I'm so happy that you have joined our community. It is GOOD to have a correspondent representing Sweden :), and good for suziebeezieland to have such a talented chicky onboard . . . I am in awe of your abilities with both languages and scrapbooking. Dude. Hooray, Lisa O. Hooray! :)

And sweetest Inge made me a package full of goodies and sent it for my birthday. And it arrived just on the day! It made me smile all day!

I took that funny photo of my family kissing me on my birthday and loved it. So much in fact I had to scrap it... :) I took out some paint this time. I bought some new colors during my shopping spree and it was fun using it here. The journaling say that the best gift was this: a dubble kiss from my darlings! I used some bling that came in Inges package and some newspaper for the flower.

As you may know we have a cat. A wonderful all grey cat who is so cute and friendly. BUT with cats mice follow :( Blah! I hate mice! Atleast when they are IN my home! So, when I opened the door to let the sweet kitty in one morning I did just that, let him in without seeing what he had in his mouth. Here you may insert loud girly squeeking noises from me running arround looking for the mouse!!!! I found it my daughters room and also found out that the cat did his job and it was a dead mouse. Pfew! I was like : what are we going to do, what are we going to do?!!! It was out of the question for me to even go near the animal and my daughter was still in her bed waking up. She thought for a while, during which the cat continued to play with the poor (yes I acctually felt sorry for it by then) mouse. She looked at me and said; Mommy, if I get a glove I can get it and take it outside. I looked at her, my animal-loving, courages, wonderful daughter, and said Are you sure? She replied a happy yes and so we did. The plan was to get the mouse in a bag so she could take it outside and lay it on the ground. Said and done, she goes in and says: Oh, mommy he has such cute teeth! HA! But she did it! She is my heroe from now and for eternity! I made a layout for the album offcourse and use some paint here too. The 4 other images are from the minialbum which is under the photo on the lo.

I made this one using up alot of my red buttons. It was fun! This is J and my DH and about their friendship through me! Oh, and I used felt for the border too!

This lo is sensured for privacy reasons, but I wanted to post it anyway. :)

Thanks for stopping by! Remember to say hi in the comments section!


torsdag 22 februari 2007



måndag 19 februari 2007

i made some :)

I made some layouts this evening!

I made the CJ entry to Inges You-nique CJ! I love that CJ it is fantastic! Here you go Inge!

This one is about getting sweet kisses from my nephew :)

This one is about our snowman this year. It was naughty...:) It had boobs and a bum :)

My husband in his cool hat! There is some hidden journaling under the papperned paper. Everything looks crocked but I blame it on the scanner, argh!

My grandfather is from the former Jugoslavia and he has his relatives including his brother still there. My grandfather came to Sweden in 1969 so he has lived here for a long time. I think it is so cool that he chats with his brother over the web-cam! :)

söndag 18 februari 2007

back home

pfew... it is nice to be back home again. I left on thursday to go to my moms house in Gothenburg. She moved to her new apartment in january and i hadn´t been to visit yet. I did a singles trip all by myself. I love that! We did some good ol´ shopping and her gift for me for my birthday that is coming up next week was 500 crowns to shop for at the local scrap and craft shop! Wow! Was i in heaven or what! I really filled up my stock on supplies. Here is what I got:

American Crafts : Play; Roller Skate
Bookshelf; Poe
SassafrassLass: In stitches and a few more
Basic Grey: Fusion
Urban Couture; Ratine
SkateShoppe; Grind and McShifty
Blush; Admire
Karen-Marie-Klip: Leaves and Leaves from the Classic Collection

Rubons: My Minds Eye; Bohemian

KI: Pet shop hip-chip letters
Lil Davis Designs: Crillon Chipboard letters; Ice
Heidi Swapp: Chipboard letters; Pumpkin Lowercase

Provo Craft: Etcetera soft stamps
Panduro: Ornament stamp set

Round puncher

What i am doing tomorrow? You guess!

tisdag 13 februari 2007

A story of a boy

I want to tell a story about a boy. A boy i have known for almost 10 years. We met in an odd way, I got a mass email and i randomly picked his email address out of the many included in the email. I wrote something like: you don´t know me and i don´t know you, but maybe we can get to know eachother. I know crazy! But he answered and we have been friends since then. We started emailing eachother talking about ourselfes and getting to know eachother. Then come the day that he called me HA! I actually asked him if he could call me back in 5 minutes because I just couldn´t transit to speaking English that suddenly J Haha! He did! We began calling eachother (mostly him calling!) and then he went away for a cuple of months and we had to write eachother instead. He has always been such a fun, happy and kind friend. And when he called (or did he email? I forget) and said that he would love to come and visit us I freaked! I was so nervous, but it was fantastic to actually meet the person that i felt I already knew so good. That was in 2004 and he stayed with us for almost 2 weeks. It was awesome! Then he came again this fall for a weekend and we had so much fun. It is funny how a longdistance friend can have such a big part in our daily life. We talk about him and reference to him on a daily bases. The most wonderful thing about him is his generosity. He is by far the most generous person I know. And by that i don´t necessarily mean the killer packages we get from him (even though we LOVE those suprises!!!) but mainly I am talking about him calling on my birthday every year and/or text message me 12 oclock midnight so that he is the first to say Happy birthday, him calling to just say hi, him coming all the way from the States to visit and him thinking of me/us during his many trips by posting postcards and pick up small, sweet soveniers. He gives us so much of himself and we are so happy to be able to call him our friend! We love you J!

lördag 10 februari 2007

happy about this:

my in law family is here to celebrate my DH and my birthdays this weekend and that offcourse means presents! I am happy about getting:

~ a gift cerificate to my local scrapbook store. comes in handy since I am planning to go next weekend...:)
~ ink for my printer (yellow) and GC to buy the rest! Yay!
~ money... ;)
~ and my all time favorite (this is where i said ok you can all entertain yourselfs this weekend and i´ll be in my craft room!) i got Keri Smiths book "Tear up this book"

Oh, my! You may all remember my oh:s and ah:s over the other book "Living out loud!" that i bought just before Christmas. This book is all that good too! It is more a pratical book where you get tons of cool creative ideas to make things. For example:

~ 10 cool things to do with string and paper

~ Fun with gum-wrapper

~ Create a mood-o-meter

~Play wandering bingo

and i can go on and on! Inge, this is a must have book for us! I also love that the book is soft and that it fits in your purse so that you can have it with you, just as the other book. Keri Smith often talks about how you should thing creative all day long and if you can bring her books with you, that must be a good creative thing!

oh, and i think (crossing my fingers) that my mojo might possibly perhaps maybe gotten back on track...i have been so bummed and down for such a long time now that i thought that i might never get that feeling back. But as sure as rain in April it comes back everytime! I have been doing some sketches and jotted down some ideas in my book that i am dying to do. I think that is good for me, to not actually create something for a while and just burp ideas out. It gets me thinking a bit more, do you know what I mean? I have been thinking a bit about Ali and her Azine challenge this week, to write you own creative manifesto. Keri Smith talks about much of what was said in the newsletter this week too. It is good to think. I have not been able to get anything down yet, but it is in there, in my head for now. I have also been thinking about what inspires me and I know I have been talking about that before both here and here. And I always come back to color. i love color! every color that is. That was why I was happy to see that the fabulous Susie had a new link in the Beezieland the other day. Check it out here i love these fabrics they are cool and sassy and sweet and beautiful...well everything! Go wander in fabricland for a while!

And the How much is too much blog have a new challenge up:

7 Patterned Paper
14 Flowers
21 Stickers

Hm...ok i might do this! Have a great saturday!

Ps. Thanks to Marie that helped me a lot with the banner thing, I am almost there! :)

tisdag 6 februari 2007

some scraps and happy finds!

I scrapped a bit last night but I was to lazy to blog then! I am coming down with yet another flu issue and I am feeling blue :( Poor little me! Anyway, this first one is me using my very favorite photos of me and my husband together. The left photo was taken in 2000 a few weeks after we met. i love how young we look although it is just 7 years ago. The other photo was taken by my friend J this summer. We look so much older I think. I love both photos so much!

And since my printer has run out of yellow ink it prints only in black and I love the effect that has on my photos. As previously mentioned I love that photo so I have used it yet again! Down by the water there is a bench where someone has painter M heart E and as acoincidence our inititials are these. We go there often and I think it is so cool that some other M and E has been there too!

The other day I made some Valentine cards for someone at work. they turned out pretty cool. I love to make cards for Valentines! I used so much scraps and that is always good!

I cleaned my craft room and I love all the little finds you can make! I often forget about stuff I buy and/or used a long time ago. Then, when i clean I find them and I can´t wait to use them in my projects. I found these fabric flowers I bought in a thrift shop about a year ago. Hm...I need a new project!

And if you haven´t noticed I have put 2 new things in the right hand bar. It is a list of the creatures :) I love! And then there is a To-do list for me for this month!

lördag 3 februari 2007

crazy :)

Last weekend we helped my father to move and when we were all done we grabbed some lunch at a small diner. They had this huge mirror at the booths...and yes I had my camera with me :) I have it with me at almost all times. You never know when or where that perfect photo op comes up right?! And yes, we are crazy, but we love eachother very much!

Have a great saturaday!

fredag 2 februari 2007

My 2nd pub!

I was so happy to see this yesterday when my husband came home! I flipped through it at onceand found the page where my layout are. And then I calmed down from jumping up and down for a few minutes :) and turned to the contents page tada: there she is daughter that is :) She was like: Mom I hope no one buys this! Haha...but then she wanted to take it with her to school! I love that!

a few on friday

1,Thank God it´s friday! It is going to be great to have a whole weekend now :)

2, :( I missed Kims little blog game...

3, I chatted for a few minutes with Marie the other day. Ah, the wonders of the internet :)

4, I really need to eat healthier again. When I lost 12kg during the fall of 05 and the after that I was so good at eating healthy and exercise...*sigh*

5, I scrapped :) It is a late call to the latest Dare, where the challenge was to ask someone about what they love about you. i asked my husband to write down why he loves me, and he loves me because I am:

the list

. intelligent

. thoughtful

. funny (when I want to be)

. beautiful

. lojal

. a wonderful mother

. kind

. helpful

. a lover of animals

. simple

. stubborn

It was fun and interesting to do this, did you make one?

6, My daughter is going toher first school dance tonight! :o Oh my, I am getting old...

7, What am i making for dinner? I think I will grill some chicken and make a sallad...wanna come for dinner? You are welcome!

8, I got the new scrapbook magazine yesterday and I love that my daughters picture is featured in the contents page and in the magazine I have 2 layouts :) I will take photos as soon as my camera is recharged!

9, I have to go clean...and put away laundry...*sigh* ok see you later!

Post a comment and I will make someone happy! :)

Edited: She is so stinkin´cute :) I just had to snap a few before she went to the dance!